Unique opportunity to help reduce offshore decommissioning costs across both UK and Dutch SNS

The first ever truly collaborative UK/Netherlands Oil and Gas event is being held in Norwich on Tuesday 9th October and then repeated in Amsterdam on 24th October. The aim being to explore how, by combining the capabilities of our supply chain, we can reduce the costs of decommissioning the wider Southern North Sea (SNS) basin.

The EEEGR Decommissioning Special interest group is staging this significant event which will feature presentations from leading UK and Dutch operators, including Shell/NAM, Oranje-Nassau, Spirit Energy, Neptune and Perenco.

The event, which has been developed collaboratively by the Oil & Gas Authority (OGA) and Nexstep in the Netherlands, is being held at Norwich City Football Club.

Decommissioning will cost the UK in the region of £60-70bn, according to OGA figures, with significant costs also forecast for the Netherlands representing an enormous opportunity for the supply chain in both countries.

Know-how, innovative solutions and technologies will be vital in reducing costs and this interactive operator engagement will provide an opportunity for service companies to make new contacts and share their ideas as well as enabling solutions in response to published challenges..

Simon Gray, chief executive of EEEGR, said: “The oil and gas industry has to work together if the costs around decommissioning are to be kept to a minimum and the opportunities it presents to the supply chain are to be fully realised.

“These events will give people from the industry in the UK and the Netherlands the chance to explore the challenges of decommissioning in the shallower waters of the SNS basin in interactive sessions and connect with potential new clients.”

Bill Cattanach, Head of Supply Chain, OGA said: “Momentum has been building for this first ever cross-border interactive engagement event with our Dutch neighbours. This unique occasion will create the environment for SNS operators and service sector to come together in a collaborative environment where growing opportunities for the supply chain are expected to be unveiled.

“It’s great to see UK and Netherlands combining forces to address major technological and cost-saving challenges and we are optimistic this powerful approach will reap success.”

Jacqueline Vaessen, General Manager, Nexstep said: “We see this event as an interesting first step to encourage collaboration between operators and the supply chain by brainstorming on actual decommissioning challenges operators face in Southern North Sea. This is important because only with collaboration we will be able to reduce the decommissioning costs.”