Norfolk Boreas Consultation Announced
Wind farm developer Vattenfall has announced that Norfolk Boreas Limited (NBL) intends to develop and construct an offshore wind farm located approximately 73km from the coast of Norfolk. The wind farm, located in the Southern North Sea, would cover an area of approximately 725 square kilometers.
Offshore cables transmitting power from the wind farm would make landfall south of Happisburgh. From there, buried cables would continue approximately 60km underground to an onshore project substation, and connect into the National Grid substation near Necton, Norfolk. The wind farm will have an export capacity of up to 1,800 MW and therefore falls within the definition of a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).
In November and December, Vattenfall will be carrying out a statutory consultation on the Norfolk Boreas proposal. There will be the opportunity to share your views on the project, including the micro-siting of the onshore project substation under Scenario 2 (i.e. in the event that Norfolk Vanguard does not proceed) together with the landscaping mitigation at the onshore project substation and connection point into the National Grid. The consultation is open to all and will run from Wednesday 7th November until Sunday 9th December 2018. During this time there will be six public consultation events along the route of the onshore cables, and an event in Norwich city centre.
For details, click here.