Going Dutch to sell offshore energy services

Companies in East Anglia’s growing offshore energy sector have a subsidised chance to showcase their services at a major event in the Netherlands this autumn.

But spaces and time are running out to grab a share of a stand being hosted by the East of England Energy Zone (EEEZ) in a new initiative.

The joint display pavilion is in a prominent position at Offshore Energy 2019 in RAI Amsterdam on October 8th and 9th which will be attended by more than 12,000 visitors, 550 stand holders and 1,000 conference delegates.

The EEEZ has staged shared stands at UK energy events, gaining leads and interest for a variety of exhibitors from the offshore sector and supply chain.

But this year it is taking a 10-pod stand into Europe for the first time, in a bid to help Norfolk and Suffolk businesses export their products and services to major players in the Dutch and global energy industries.

The stand aims to provide an affordable, hassle-free exhibition opportunity for East Anglian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in one of the biggest energy events in Europe.

A £2200 early bird rate (until the end of June) secures one of 10 pods on the EEEZ stand, with graphics, power, stool, lockable storage – plus access to a shared welcome desk, and presentation area for a programmed promotional slot.

They will also be supported by experts from the Department for International Trade, who can provide export expertise and introductions to potential overseas client and marketplaces. And there is promotion through shared marketing before, during and after the event.

Although the cost is already subsidised there may be other grant help available to further reduce costs.

One of the exhibitors is the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR), which represents nearly 300 businesses. Its chief executive Simon Gray, who was on the EEEZ stand last year, said: “This is our fourth year at Offshore Energy. As an All Energy organisation working in the Southern North Sea, we find this event is really well targeted across the gas, offshore wind, carbon capture and marine sectors.

“We have so much in common with our colleagues in the Netherlands – both striving to get to a zero carbon future – and it is always fascinating to compare and contrast the different ways in which we go about driving our industry forward.”

The chance to exhibit follows on from the Southern North Sea Alliance Memorandum of Understanding, where the East of England is a signatory towards the aims of forging closer collaboration between companies on both sides of the North Sea.

For more information contact Roberta Willner on 01603 222710 Roberta.willner@norfolk.go.uk or Michael Cousins 01603 222731 Michael.Cousens@norfolk.gov.uk